sunnuntai 19. lokakuuta 2008

First show

Yesterday was the first dog show in Finland for Boccé.
We did argue with the judge can a dog under 2 years be in Champion class. Dogs can´t be Finnish Champion before they are 2 years old, so the judge did not realise that this rule is not in all countries. So, Boccé did got Very Good :/
Otherways he did behave well, showed himself nicely even the floor was very slippery.

The judgment is: A bit low-legged, well angulated in front and rear, a bit small paws, slightly soft coat, moves a little close behind but with a good drive, good temperament.

After we managed to get home on the evening, I had to go to help in labour for my friend, or her dog actually. Now there is 4 sable with more or less white marks and one tricolour, 3 males and 2 females. Puppies looked pretty nice and I look forward to see them growing - you never know if I will buy one bitch there if there is a good one.

Even Fengri looks to be pregnant. She has 4 weeks of pregnancy today. :)

tiistai 14. lokakuuta 2008

Soon to shows

Oh my gosh, first Finnish show for Boccé is on Saturday!! How exciting!
Unfortunately the judge was changed on that show, but we will enter anyway. Boccé has been eating well and he has got a bit more weight - and we have three more days to get more weight. Actually, I found the secret food weapon on Friday ;)

Now we should take some training before the dog show, so he would have patient to run nicely :D

Fengri will have this week her 4th week of pregnancy. No signs yet, except she has been more close to me lately and this week she has been maybe a little selective of her eating habits. Let´s see...
Reba is really false pregnant at this time, and she mostly sleeps at the crate, and is angry for dogs passing by. I am not sure if I should spaying her, I am afraid that she will be more pushy and dominant to other bitches when the estrogen level will decline. I have seen when one dominant bitch couldn´t live with other bitches in kennel after spaying.

Our Fengri daughter India, Slovenian & Croatian & Finnish Champion Lövskärs India Tsang-Pa has been very successfull lately - past we weeks. First she did won BOB and BIS Slovenian Tibetan Breeds Specialty Show and two weeks later she was BOB in Hungarian Specialty Show!! In European Winner Show in Budapest Hungary, she ended up as a Vice European Winner, with a res-CACIB. I am really proud of her!

I really am waiting for extraordinary puppies out of Fengri and Boccé.

Next shows for Boccé: October 18th in Hämeenlinna with 18 entries (CAC) and October 26th in Seinäjoki with 28 entries (CACIB).

maanantai 6. lokakuuta 2008

More girls

We got back one of our offspring, 14 months old girl Dharma, Lövskärs Jampa.
Boccé has wonderfull days with 3 girls - you can only imagine!

Boccé also mated successfully Hilla, on friday 26th September.

Boccé likes to run on the fields chasing Reba, and Reba likes to run away and be chased.

In this time of year we got so much old leafs on street and garden, and Boccé is taking everyone of them inside. I didn´t remember this is the way you have a young Tibetan Terrier in a "between-coats" :)
Fengri is soon hopefully 3 weeks pregnant. I really hope she don´t give birth to 10 puppies as they will born and grow during the winter - or I hope we don´t get so cold winter.

We try to find a new home for Dharma. I think she could stay with us, but my husband don´t agree. My husband likes more those native Tibetan Terriers as they are more "dogs" in temperament. But if we don´t find a good home, she will stay ;)

Boccé will also have his first show in Finland 18. October and second show in 26. October. We are so excited!